It’s easy to receive funds from your international marketplace sales with LianLian Global. It’s free to add a receiving account in a supported currency. Supported currencies include USD, EUR, PLN, GBP, CAD, AUD, JPY, HKD, SGD.
To add a receiving account and easily receive funds from your international funding sources, follow these steps:
How to create receiving accounts – VBA
In order to get a receiving account or VBA (Virtual bank account), you first need to register a LianLian e-wallet account
After your LianLian Global account has been successfully verified, please follow the steps below to receive payments.
- Step 1: At “Receive” on the menu, select “Add new receiving account”
- Step 2: Select a currency you want to get paid in, select “Send” to complete
- Step 3: Select “VBA location” to choose your preferred VBA issued region and “Receiving Category”
- Step 4: Complete to get your receiving account information
You will get information here about your receiving account such as account holder name, account number.
Then, you just need to add these information to your existing trading platform and the revenue will be transferred to LianLian wallet when available.
- Step 5: Management of reveceiving accounts
Right after being activated successfully, you can monitor your list of accounts and change your account names for easy management on different platforms.
- Step 6: Management of cashflows in LianLian wallet
Revenues will be transferred to LianLian account balance from from the VBA receiving account.
At that time, you may withdraw your funds to Vietnamese bank account for conversion of foreign currency or making other necessary transactions depending on your use demands.
How to upload supporting documents to verify funding source
Provision of clear information about the sources of funds may help LianLian better understand the customer’s business activities, and the successful verification may make the receiving process easier and faster.
Especially, when the source of funds transferred to LianLian wallet comes from the marketplace through third parties such as Found, Revolut, Capital One, the request for source of funds verification will be sent to the customer.
1. An email informing request for provision of documentary verification
2. A screenshot showing request for provision of documentary verification at LianLian’s portal
The Customer needs to provide the following information for purpose of verification of the source of funds:
A screenshot showing transaction history of money received from the marketplace to a third party and transferred to LianLian.
A screenshot showing the link between the third party and the VBA receiving account of LianLian.
Note: The displayed transaction amount must correspond to the amount requested for verification.
3. An example on image received from eBay on Found and transferred to LianLian
4. An example on image showing the link between Found and VBA receiving account of LianLian
Instruction on receiving statements
Bank statements may be downloaded from LianLian in attachment with other documents for register of Amazon account or for various use purposes
Step 1: Select “Receive” on the toolbar
Step 2: Select “Details” at the VBA receiving account that you want to receive its statement
Step 3: At “Bank statement”, select use purpose that you want and click “Submit”
Step 4: Add the seller’s business address, mark on confirmation block and select “Submit Request”
Request will be approved within 1 – 2 business days and its results shall be notified via email
How to bind VBA to Amazon account
In order to bind VBA to Amazon account, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Add deposit method
After you’ve signed in to your Amazon account, under “Payment Information”, please select “Deposit Methods”.

Select “Add new method”.

- Step 2: Select the marketplace which you want to add a new deposit method
Please select “” as the marketplace you want to add the deposit method.

- Step 3: Select “VBA location” to choose your preferred VBA issued region and “Receiving Category”
At the screen showing the details of the receiving account, please fill in the details of your receiving account or VBA (Virtual Bank Account), then select “Set Deposit Method” to complete the process of Binding Virtual Bank Account To Amazon Account.
You can get your VBA information in LianLian dashboard as follow:

How to bind VBA to Wayfair account
To use LianLian Global account for receiving payments on the Wayfair platform, ACH must be activated. The following steps should be taken:
Use your Wayfair seller account to bind your email address and send an email to, asking them to bind the ACH account. Please also include your Wayfair account number, email address, and company name, and wait for a response.
After receiving a response from the Wayfair SSD (Customer Manager), fill out the form with your company name, VAT registration number (for the European region), contact information, etc. Please fill in your LianLian Global receiving account information for the bank information.

After replying with the ACH form to the Wayfair platform, their finance team will deposit a small test payment into the designated receiving account. Once you receive the test payment, take a screenshot and reply to the platform.
After successfully linking the receiving account, you can view the receiving account information in the Wayfair backend. Go to Seller Dashboard – Account Management – Supplier Account Details. If “Documents, Terms, and Configuration” display ACH/EFT, it means the linking process was successful.

You can get your VBA information in LianLian dashboard as follow: